Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside

To say the girls found our recent snow fall exciting would be a serious understatement. We've only had a handful of decent snow accumulations since they were born, but the all out blizzard that started Christmas Eve and still has remnants lurking around town is easily the largest of the bunch. We were serious Grinches and opted to take the Christmas tree down after Christmas. It isn't that we don't enjoy the tree; I absolutely loved how beautiful it looked this year. There's just something exhilarating about putting everything away and looking toward the new year. Unfortunately, in the world of Cadence and Madeline, somewhere along the way Snow=Christmas. The second we started taking down the Christmas tree she shrieked in protest, claiming the tree couldn't come down until they had played in the snow. Under normal circumstances, the girls would have already played in the snow several times by this point, but with both of them having been sick and Cadie seeming to still be on the mend, we hadn't allowed them the chance yet. I reassured her that taking the tree down didn't mean they wouldn't get to play in the snow and she calmed down.

Fortunately, I was able to keep my word the next day. It was a surprisingly warm feeling day (though I'm sure the temperatures were still atrocious), but it somehow felt warmer. The girls had rested well and acted a hundred times better, so we bundled them up for some fun in the snow. Cadie LOVES snow. She's such an outdoor girl; there hasn't been a single day this winter that she hasn't asked me if she can go outside and play. I'm sure she thinks I'm a total liar when I tell her it's too cold. Maddie, though she was enthusiastic, lost a little of her "go get 'em" attitude once she came face to face with the white stuff. Although she loves a good adventure, she's a little more on the prissy side than Cadie. Cadie was content to spend the rest of the day outside, but Maddie was spent pretty quickly. After a few snow ball throws, a trek around the backyard, and some winter hide and seek with Daddy, it was time to return to the warmth of the living room. It wasn't two minutes later when Cadie was asking to go out again. That's my outdoor girl.

She was determined to pick up this giant
snowball she made.

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