Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Silent Treatment

Every night, after I've tucked the girls into bed, Maddie whines for me to hold her hand for a while. It never fails. I try to explain to her that she's a big girl and that she doesn't need me to hold her hand (though in my head I'm thinking, "You should just hold her hand for a while! It won't be long before she doesn't want to hold your hand anymore!"). I probably would, too, if I didn't know Maddie. If I thought it would help her go to sleep faster, I'd do it in a heartbeat, but with Maddie, it would just prolong her actually falling asleep. She loves a good distraction.

A couple of nights ago, as I tucked her into bed, she responded with the usual, "Mommy, hold my hand for a while!" I leaned over and whispered to her, "Maddie, you have Bebe and Dolly, why don't you hold their hands?" She looked at me, the tone of her voice the equivalent of rolling her eyes, and said, "Ugh. But, Mom, they don't talk!" I chuckled under my breath and proceeded to explain to her that was exactly what she needed, quiet toys to love on so she can go to sleep. She sighed and looking disappointedly at her dolls said, "But I want to talk."

At least she's honest.

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