Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Turkey Day

Thanksgiving is always a big holiday with Jeff’s family, and this year was no exception. Jeff’s cousin, Emily, has a little girl a little over a year younger than the girls, so I knew they would have a fun time playing together. This year, since the girls require less wrangling, I got to be more of a participant in the kitchen. I love cooking, and Thanksgiving is always one of those opportunities to show what you’re made of. I took orders and dove in with the best of them. The meal was fantastic, and looking around the table after everyone had stuffed themselves, it was quite filling as well. The rest of the day was spent enjoying the unseasonably warm weather, the girls playing on the front porch swing and running up and the down the sidewalk “runway”.

We continued with our yearly tradition of sitting in a circle and, in turn, sharing how our year has been and what we’re most thankful for. It’s amazingly easy to get caught up in the triviality of every day life, but this exercise has always helped us to look past that and remember (and share with family) what really matters and how truly blessed we are. We were blessed with the best year of business Jeff has ever had. His new business partner has been such a boost to his work in the financial, emotional, and spiritual senses of the word. The girls were blessed with excellent health, always better than they should have given their premature births. They’ve grown into amazing and inspiring little girls, starting new adventures like school and making us smile with the phrases that come out of their little mouths. I have been blessed with a business that has far exceeded any and all expectations and rekindled a love for something I never thought I could do professionally. The list could go on…

That evening, we settled into leftovers, enjoyed different games scattered about, and fellowshipped with family we get to see far too little of. It was another good Thanksgiving Day.

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