Monday, January 26, 2009

High Five

Last Friday morning, Cadie woke up with a strong conviction that she wear big girl panties. I’m not want to fuss in the am (I’m not much of a morning person), so I obliged. I was impressed when naptime approached without a single accident. Not only had she made it half the day without messing herself, every single time she went to the potty, it was solo event. She did it all; walk back to the bathroom, pull down her pants and panties, get up on the potty, get her own tissue and wipe, get back off the potty, pull her panties and pants up, flush the potty, and leave the bathroom. I thought to myself, “This can’t possibly last!”

So, imagine my surprise, when she woke from her nap with completely dry Pull-ups (I believe in my daughter, but I’m also realistic, so Pull-ups were very much a part of the naptime equation). Her big girl panties went right back on, and the day continued accident free. Fast forward three days and nothing has changed. That’s right, folks, Cadie has not had a single accident in four days! I won’t even pretend to take any credit for her spontaneous potty training. Sure, we’ve taught her how the potty works, that it’s better to go in it rather than her panties, etc., but she did all the hard work. I can’t imagine why I’m surprised. Why would this particular developmental milestone be any different than the others? Cadie has always decided when she’s ready to do something, then done it. Simple as that.

Now, every time Cadie uses the potty, we honor it with her celebratory recognition of choice, a high five. After she washes her hands, of course.

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