Saturday, January 17, 2009

Old Lady Glasses

December 1st, we took the girls in for their semi-annual appointment with Dr. Groves. Maddie still has to be checked to make sure her right retina is still firmly intact and showing no signs of going anywhere, while Cadie’s vision has to be checked for changes in her prescription. One of the nice things about the girls having had doctors’ appointments regularly since they were born? They don’t get scared anymore. It’s just another day to them. Both girls did really well with their exam, and we were happy to hear that Maddie’s eyes still look completely healthy and that Cadie’s vision was much the same. No prescription changes for her. Maddie had to have her eyes dilated for the exam, so she was offered some special glasses to protect her eyes from the sun as we left. Of course, knowing trouble would be brewing in the very near future, I asked if Cadie could have a set as well. They wore them the whole way home and just long enough for me to get a quick picture. They reminded me so much of the huge, dark glasses that people wear as they get older. Cracked me up!

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