Thursday, April 27, 2006

What's Up Doc?

Jeff and I visited the girls this morning and they looked great! Our prayers were answered because Cadie had a BIG bowel movement. Oh the things we celebrate! Both girls are stable on their ventilator settings and breathing seems to get a little easier for them every day. Madeline has been bumped up to six ml's of milk every three hours and Cadie is getting seven. Hopefully, they will continue to do well so they can get more milk and get some meat on their bones. We can see some definite weight gain in Cadie despite the fact that she has been swaddled; her cheeks are chubbier. We talked with Dr. K a bit while we visited Maddie. She is very please with how both girls are doing. She assured us that there is absolutely nothing wrong with either of their lungs. The x-rays are coming back clear; they are just struggling because of their prematurity, which is expected. She predicted Madeline will be off the ventilator by next week. We also discussed Cadie's head. She tried to prepare us for the possibility that Cadie might have to have a Ventricular Access Device (VAD) surgically "installed" to help control the hydrocephalus. It is basically a device that consists of a small tube and a bag that is inserted right under her scalp. If necessary, a needle can be inserted into the device to "tap" or drain whatever fluid has built up in the bag. She reassured us that there is no reason to believe this is definitely going to happen, but to be aware that it's a possibility. How can we not be terrified at the thought of another surgery? Especially one that involves putting a device in her head. So far, Cadie's head hasn't grown anymore, so we are resting on the hope that it won't. As long as the hydrocephalus doesn't advance enough to trigger any alarms that brain damage is possible, we will get by without the VAD. If it has to happen, though, it has to happen. She left on a positive note and said how pleased she is with the girls' progress; they have responded to all of the treatments they have been given. She remarked that we have couple of fighters on our hands. If they can beat this, they can beat anything.

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