There are so many things I love about the holiday season. Warm, crackling fires, Christmas songs, and neatly tied ribbons to name a few. This year, though, my favorite thing has been Santa Claus. As kids, Santa was always a part of our celebration. For me, Santa Claus is what brings magic to the holiday. This year, we've made it a point to make sure the girls understand that Christmas is first and foremost the celebration of Jesus' birth and that our world would be lost without that night when he was placed safe and warm in a manger. But, I see no harm in Santa being a part of the celebration, too.
So, why has Santa been my favorite part of this holiday season? Because the girls are totally into it. The past couple of years, they've been somewhat aware of him, but this year, he's at the forefront. Cadie and Maddie started talking, at least a couple of months ago, about what Santa would bring them if they were good. It changed nearly every time. One day it was a "Jumping Judy guitar" (something that does not exist other than in their imaginations), another day they wanted a necklace with a heart. Late last week, I impulse bought them a new kitchen online (to the replace the two they already have...they outgrew them, all right!), so I subtly – then not-so-subtly -- started hinting that Santa might bring them a new kitchen. Every time Santa appears on a movie or TV show, the girls go nuts and start screaming about Santa Claus coming to town. For them, this year, he is very much real.
Last year, during my annual after-Christmas shopping for clearanced wrapping paper, tissue, and ribbon, I came across a Santa Claus mailbox kit at Hallmark. It was really cute (and really cheap), so I picked it up and figured we could use it this year. I'm so glad I got it. When we pulled down the Christmas decorations, I found it again and decided to put it to use.
This past Saturday, after our Patton Family Christmas, we sat the girls down to write their letters to Santa. Cadie and Maddie dictated, and I was responsible for translating and writing. They didn't need too much prompting. Maddie's letter said:
Dear Santa,
I have been a really good girl. Please bring me ice cream cones like Cadie with cups for the ice cream cones. Please bring me table to do crafts on. I would also like some Sleeping Beauty princess cups. I would also like more and more and more jewelry like a necklace. Can I please have a Sleeping Beauty big purse, too? I also want a pony that's real to ride on.
Both of the girls have been aching for a pony. I'm not really sure where that came from, but I'm telling you right now, if we ever get the land we want, those girls are getting a pony! Next, Cadie wrote her letter:
Dear Santa,
I want a "pobo" stick. Maddie wants one, too. I'd also like an ABCDEFG Doodlebops. And an Old McDonald's had a farm. I'd also really like a Snow White necklace. And a Yo Gabba Gabba TV/computer. I've been a good girl, Santa.
At this point, both of the girls were getting a little squirrely. Cadie was rambling off nonsense, then focused back in at the mention of jewelry (that's my girl!) Then, I had both of the girls sign their letters, put them in the envelope, and give it a special stamp. Then, we placed the letters in the magic mailbox as I explained how the mailbox sent letters straight to Santa with special Christmas magic. They seemed a little wary, but were willing to give a try. We got back to playing, and about an hour later I told them to go check the mailbox. They raced over to it, yanked open the door, and gasped when they found it empty. Cadie immediately asked, "Mommy, where did our letters go!" I answered that Santa had gotten the letters by magic through the mailbox. Their eyes grew wide and they squealed with excitement. I told them that Santa might write them back, so we would have to check it every once in a while.
Cue the next morning, when after crawling in bed with us and playing for a few minutes, I asked the girls if they'd checked the mailbox yet. Cadie put her hands over her mouth and screeched, then darted out of the room to check the mailbox. She was back in a flash, postcard in hand, and hurled herself on the bed. I read them the post card, that went a little something like this:
Dear Cadie and Maddie,
Thank you for your letters. I will do my best to bring you what you asked for. Be good. Remember, I'm watching!
Both of the girls were simply beside themselves. They couldn't believe Santa had written them a letter, then sent it to them via the magic mailbox. I love it!
Now, the girls are braced to meet the big man himself tonight at Grana and Poppy's. Santa always makes a special stop at their house while he's out delivering toys. I'm just crossing my fingers they aren't too clever for their own good. I'm afraid this may be the last year Poppy is able to take on Santa duty. We'll see!