Friday, September 25, 2009

Bare Buns

This time last week, I decided I'd had enough. Maddie had slid back so far in her attempts at becoming potty trained that she was once again in pull-ups full time and no longer doing anything in the potty. I know my child. And as much as I wanted to make excuses for her -- She's scared because she thinks it will hurt; There's something wrong in her diet that is keeping her from going when she needs to; and so on. The truth of the matter is, she's just too darn stubborn and too darn busy. So I did what any sane parent would do; I took away her pull-ups and her panties and made her spend the day in her bare buns.

Most of the time, my children fully embrace nudity. They love running around naked and having some naked time. They're free spirits. On this occasion, though, Madeline was none too thrilled. She shrieked for some pull-ups, tears running down her cheeks. Two things about this situation I was confident of: 1) Madeline was using her pull-ups as a crutch. She knows she can go in them and the only consequence is an irritated Mommy. Although the feeling isn't pleasant, she can handle some stink in her drawers for a while until it's cleaned up. 2) Madeline would not poop on the floor. This, I just know. So taking away her pull-ups and not allowing her panties or pants meant she had one option: pooping in the potty.

I left the girls with Jeff so I could turn in my fair entries, and imagine my surprise and delight when not ten minutes from home I got a call from a proud Madeline stating she had pooped in the potty (she also elaborated that it was a really, really, really big poop). Not only had she pooped in the potty, but she had done it completely on her own. The day progressed with yet another solo poop, and I hoped that we were finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Since then, Madeline has been a pooper star. I think we've passed the worst and that we are finally on our way to a fully potty-trained household. Both girls were rewarded with some brand new Dora, Spongebob, and Elmo panties. They're so proud of themselves; and Jeff and I are solving problems, one bare bottom at a time!

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