Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Divide and Conquer

Naptime is just about to drive me nuts. Cadie is so easy; Maddie, not so much. If there is one thing I could change about that child, it would be her sleeping habits. I love her dearly, but enough is enough!

I was beginning to wonder if maybe she had outgrown naps altogether, but after a no-nap Sunday, I changed my mind. She definitely still needs one. The trick is getting her to actually go to sleep – without me lying next to her, telling her to do so over and over and over.

Today, after various threats and a noticeable increase in my blood pressure, I decided to try a new tactic – divide and conquer. Spending just a tiny bit of time alone with one of the girls makes it very obvious that they feed off of one another, especially Madeline. She’s a performer; it’s what she thrives off of. Take away her audience, and she’s a completely different person. So, this afternoon, I hauled Maddie into our bedroom, propped her up on Daddy’s pillow, and told her to take a nap. Twenty minutes later, both girls were out.

Mission Accomplished.

Now if I could just figure out bedtime. It’s 10:45 at night, and I can still hear her in there talking to herself…


KAREN said...

Same with my boys. Micah is so easy, but Elias won't go down without screaming. My problems are Micah won't nap without his brother in the room, and Elias keeps his brother up.

Cheri said...

You know, most of the time, having twins make things easier, but sleeping is not one of them! For me, I just go through a lot of trial and error until I figure it out. Ugh!