We started off the morning with some comfort food, homemade French toast. We do things a little differently in the Patton household. I grew up on French toast with “goop”, not syrup. And believe me, the goop (butter, powdered sugar, water, and cinnamon) makes all the difference! The girls love French toast, but Cadie has a special fondness for it. I watched her tiny mouth practically inhale a full piece in just a couple of minutes. Yum!
Next, I was inspired to conduct an impromptu Easter egg hunt. For practice, of course. The girls were all giggles and excitement, squealing with delight every time they located a hidden egg. Jeff and I took turns hiding, jumping from room to room. We did four rounds all together, and I think the girls were just as excited the fourth time around as they were the first, if not more. Now, I can’t wait for the real thing!
Catching a ride to their bedroom so I can hide eggs.
Before we knew it, it was time to eat. So, Daddy fired up the stove and cooked us some cheesy dogs. Nothing like some processed meat to cure that insatiable hunger!
It was finally time for the girls to take a nap, so they retreated to their toasty beds, but only after promises of playing in the snow once they woke up.
We’ve been a healthy household for a few weeks now, so Jeff and I may have gone a little overboard in preparing the girls for our frolic in the snow. They each had on: tights, two pairs of pants, socks, long sleeve shirt, sweat shirt, snow jacket, snow boots, gloves, and a hat. I wanted them to enjoy the snow without all of us having to pay the price later.
Cadie absolutely LOVED the snow. I am sure she would have spent the entire day outside playing in it if we let her. Maddie enjoyed it as well, but became tired of it once her little hands started getting cold and her nose and cheeks turned a little red.
About twenty minutes later, we dragged the girls back into the house with promises of dinner. As I was preparing dinner, a brilliant thought occurred to me: snow ice cream. So I sent Jeff to claim some of the fresh snow for our dessert. I grew up eating snow ice cream and remember at is as a special treat. As an adult, I’m not sure what is so great about it, but it still gives me warm fuzzies when I think about that childhood memory. I want that for the girls, so we made some. It was pretty tasty and the girls absolutely loved it!